Krimi Thriller

Daniel Suarez – FreedomTM


„No conspiracy necessary. It’s a process that’s been happening for thousands of years. Wealth aggregates and becomes political power. Simple as that. ‘Corporation’ is just the most recent name for it. In the Middle Ages it was the Catholic Church. They had a great logo, too. You might have seen it, and they had more branches than Starbucks. Go back before that, and it was Imperial Rome. It’s a natural process as old as humanity.“

Pete Sebeck as The_Unnamed_One is on his quest following the Thread given to him by the Daemon. His companion Laney Price has the reputation score on the Darknet to help him on his way. Sebeck himself is still in grief because of the loss of his former life and his wife and son. He has to learn how to navigate the Darknet and he needs to understand what the purpose of the new communities is. The world economy changes and Matthew Sobol’s new world order is evolving. The Major is trying to keep his minions in place and keep control of the economy.

„Nobody implanted anything. These people pay for their own tracking devices.“ Price pointed to a nearby cell phone kiosk slathered with graphic images of beautiful people chatting on handsets. „A cell phone’s location is constantly tracked and stored in a database. Don’t have a cellphone? Bluetooth devices have a unique identifier, too. Phone headsets, PDAs, music players. Just about any wireless toy you might own. And now there are radio-frequency-identity tags in driver’s licenses, passports, and in credit cards. They transpond to radio energy by emitting a unique identifier, which can be linked to a persons’s identity. Privately owned sensors at public choke points are harvesting this data throughout the world. It doesn’t have to do anything with the Daemon.“

Technology is ruling our world. Already. What’s most disturbing about the story is the truth in it. All of this could happen tomorrow and who knows what really happened behind the scenes of the world financial crisis. What we don’t know, is what’s dangerous. Loki Stormbringer, Pete Sebeck and The Major, none of them knows really what the others plan or do (Pete Sebeck doesn’t even know his own plans while following the thread). All of them do tap in traps, and all of them loose something on the way. While Daemon was about technology and it’s flaws, FreedomTM is about economy and how the mighty try to keep control of the world. Let’s see where this thread will lead Daniel Suarez in the future.

English Krimi Thriller

Daniel Suarez – Daemon


Deutsche Zusammenfassung unten / For German summary scroll down

Soon he reached a circular chamber with a beam of sunlight shining down from a hole in the ceiling, illuminating a section of the wall. It appeared to be the basement of a shattered tower. Several barred windows ringed the walls in the shadows. It was a dead end.

Thanks goes to my brother for turning my attention to this great thriller. It’s as enthralling as frightful especially if you know, that most of the technologies described already exist.

The death of the computer game guru Matthew Sobol is followed by some strange incidents that makes the police first try to shut down the servers of his enterprise Cyberstorm. Next they try to enter his house to shut down the servers to kill the so-called „Daemon“, that Sobol has installed to take over world domination. Many people lose their lives until they find out that the Daemon lives in the internet and cannot be shut off.

FBI: „Just shut down the internet.“
The others gave him a patronizing look.
FBI: „You guys built the damned thing. Why can’t you turn it off?“
NSA: „Let’s stick to reasonable suggestions, shall we?“
FBI: „I don’t mean for a long time – just for a second.“
DARPA: „The Internet is not a single system. It consists of hundreds of millions of individual computer systems linked with a common protocol. No one controls it entirely. It can’t be shut down. And even if you could shut it down, the Daemon would just come back when you turned it back on.“

In the background the Daemon recrutes his subjects in Sobols computer games „Over the Rhine“ and „The Gate“. Only the best players find the back doors and beat the challenges Sobol has installed for them. One of them is Brian Gragg, former thief of identities on the internet, who know becomes one of the Daemon executives and as such a nightmare to the authorities who fight the Daemon. Of course their own task force gets infiltrated by the Daemon, it seems to be everywhere.

Suarez has no qualms to let his characters die and also come back to life if they haven’t fully served their purpose. Fortunately the second part Freedom TM is already available and I’m looking forward to learn how the story continues for Jon Ross and Natalie Philips.

Deutsche Zusammenfassung: Durch meinen Bruder kam ich zu diesem grandiosen Thriller, der sich mit den beängstigenden Tatsachen der uns umgebenden Technologien auseinandersetzt. Vieles, das in diesem Buch beschrieben wird, existiert tatsächlich bereits, wenn auch oft im Verborgenen.
Der Tod des Computerspielgurus Matthew Sobol setzt einige verdächtige Vorgänge in Gang, was dazu führt, dass die Polizei zuerst versucht, die Server seiner Firma Cyberstorm zu stoppen. Als die Polizei versucht, in sein Haus einzudringen und die dortigen Server zu stoppen, verlieren viele Menschen ihr Leben, bevor sie herausfinden, dass der Daemon im Internet lebt und nicht durch simples Herunterfahren eines Servers gestoppt werden kann.
Der Daemon rekrutiert seine Gefolgsleute vorerst durch Hintertüren in Sobols Computerspielen „Over the Rhine“ und „The Gate“. Nur die Besten bestehen die Herausforderungen. Einer von ihnen ist Brian Gragg, Identitätsdieb und jetzt einer der Führer des Daemon-Imperiums. Natürlich wird auch die Task Force des FBI vom Daemon infiltriert, er ist überall.
Suarez hat keine Skrupel, seine Figuren sterben und auch wiederauferstehen zu lassen, wenn sie ihren Zweck noch nicht vollständig erfüllt haben. Zum Glück ist der zweite Teil Freedom TM bereits erhältlich und ich bin bereits gespannt auf diese Fortsetzung.